Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Natalie Portman's Shaved Head, Matt and Kim, The Go! Team, and CSS

Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head started off the July night with a chaotic stage . The Beans were not impressed with this five piece band at first glance, as they seemed like a bunch of young, obnoxious kids. However, after a few songs, the band grew on us. Kelley Bean even got a little teary-eyed watching them, similar to what happens when she watches 6 year olds play Little League games. The members of the band were very young and having so much fun, you couldn’t help but be happy for them.

Matt and Kim came on next. We were really excited to see this band, having discovered them about a year ago. Matt, a lovable spaz, sings and mashes the keyboard while Kim wails on the drums with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. Happy people playing happy, energizing music. Unfortunately, this set was cut short due to some technical difficulties, but not before they played there most well-known song “It’s a Fact.”

The Go! Team was the last opening act before the headliner. The crowd at First Ave. seemed delighted to gobble up the loud, punchy music and the predictable lyrical delivery of this ensemble. The Beans were not. Dean Bean once muttered that he thought they sounded like a combination of Rage Against the Machine and Sugar Ray. Take that as you will. Unfortunately for us, their set included 14 songs.

Finally, CSS took the stage. The Brazilian band played the majority of songs from their latest album, Donkey, including “Left Behind,” “Let’s Reggae All Night,” “Jager Yoga,” and “Rat is Dead.” They also played songs from their 2006 debut album such as “Let’s Make Love (and Listen to Death From Above),” and “Music is My Hot Hot Sex.” Overall, it was an exhilarating show!

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