Monday, April 21, 2008

Sasshole Kickball Jerseys

Materials Needed:
  • Stencil Design
  • Printer (Not Necessary)
  • Freezer Paper
  • T-Shirt
  • Fabric Paint
  • Exacto Knife
  • Iron
  1. If you've designed your stencil on a computer, you can try to print the image directly on a piece freezer, shiny side down, cut to 8.5 x 11. I was unable to get the freezer paper to feed through a printer, so I printed it on regular paper and traced the design on to the freezer paper.
  2. Next, cut out your stencil using an exacto knife over a cutting mat.
  3. Then iron your stencil on to the t-shirt. Make sure the shirt has been washed and is wrinkle free beforehand. Make sure your iron is set to the dry setting, go over the stencil once and wait for it to cool. Once it's cooled, go over it a second time and make sure all of your corners and edges are ironed down. Then iron a blank second piece of freezer paper on the opposite inside of the t-shirt to prevent bleed through when actually printing.
  4. Next you'll actually paint your shirt. Fabric paint can be found, but I used acrylic paint mixed with a fabric medium. Ideally, I would think you'd rather dab the paint on with a sponge. I used a roller and it seemed to bleed quite a bit. Make your first coat fairly thin and wait for it to dry. Once it's dried you can paint on additional layers until you feel you have enough.
  5. When you're done painting, carefully peel off the freezer paper. Lastly, you'll need to dry the t-shirt, inside out on low heat in order to heat set the paint.
Have fun!

1 comment: said...

hmmm and this is how lancettes shirt is born..